Output the RDD as a Hadoop SequenceFile using the Writable types we infer from the RDD's key and value types.
Output the RDD as a Hadoop SequenceFile using the Writable types we infer from the RDD's key
and value types. If the key or value are Writable, then we use their classes directly;
otherwise we map primitive types such as Int and Double to IntWritable, DoubleWritable, etc,
byte arrays to BytesWritable, and Strings to Text. The path
can be on any Hadoop-supported
file system.
Extra functions available on RDDs of (key, value) pairs to create a Hadoop SequenceFile, through an implicit conversion. Note that this can't be part of PairRDDFunctions because we need more implicit parameters to convert our keys and values to Writable.
at the top of their program to use these functions.